This weekend will be killer! At least next weekend my sister will be here and it will make a bit more accountable for what I eat and such. But this weekend......all alone, zero accountability, it might get the best of me, but I am trying. I feel like I am in the home stretch, like I CAN DO THIS. I have enough homework to keep me as busy as I want, the Olympics keep taking my attention away, i can't help it if I love tennis!
The shakes are going well. If you put enough fruit in something, well besides peaches, it will taste pretty good. I think I am eating too many oranges, my tongue hurts from all the acid, but it sure did taste good blended up with some vanilla protein powder.
Now if you wonder why it is so hard to drink the particular protein powder that I have to use, well normal protein powder has 400 calories for two scoops, mine has 150 calories for two scoops, which sounds amazing, but it just means mine tastes like ass and the 400 calorie kind is YUMMY! I can't even take my kind to work and just shake up for lunch, I use the 400 calorie kind. My kind just clumps up and gets really gross if you try to shake it up, it HAS to be mixed in a blender! In my defense I do try to limit the amount of 400 calorie stuff I drink, make one shake last for breakie and lunch, which is sometimes hard, but I do it. Sodas have been pretty easy to give up, but I feel like I can't get enough water. Trying to avoid the caffeine headaches, and so far so good. It is hard to go to sleep hungry though, I didn't realize that part would be so hard. I am most looking forward to not feeling hungry, at least for a good long while, until the sensation comes back, which I am not sure when.
I have these one blue linen pants which are gorgeous, I mostly can't wait to wear those, might not be able to wear them long, but I will wear them.
I think I am going to take a lot of my clothes to this plus size resale shop I saw. I take super good care of my clothes, they are def worth something, but we shall see.
This weekend will be TOUGH!
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